Gaining too much weight???

Sooo... I just started my third trimester. And it seems like the weight this past month is coming FAST! Im a little bit worried because I really don't want to gain over the 30-35 pounds you are supposed to and I've already gained 20! Im not over eating, im eating normal. But maybe I should try to cut back a little and eat healthier then normal? Anybody going through this or have any advice what to do to avoid putting on those 'extra' pounds?


  • if you have only gained 20 your prolly fine. in the last few weeks they say you gain about a pound a week. as long as your eating healthy and excersicing you should be fine :)
  • I'll be 27 weeks sat and I have gained 20lbs too. Prolly more now. It's been a week since I've weighd
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  • I'm 23 weeks and have gained 20 pds:)
  • I am almost 35 weeks and only gained 20lbs.
  • I gained almost 50 lbs w both of my boys...this pregnancy I've committed to walking more and (up until the last month) watched my eating really closely. I'm 36 wks and have gained 26 lbs...walking does wonders. Also swimming may help-just listen to ur body and don't over do it
  • Okay so if I gained one pound a week from here on out id have gained 33 pounds, not too bad. But that's pushing it lol. Plus as fast as its been coming lately that might be hard! I didn't gain any weight at all until 5 months and since then its just been like BAM! Here comes the tummy. Im definitely going to start walking on the treadmill, thanks for that tip @z_mommy_2009 because i really dont feel like im eating too much... maybe too much sweets:) and @hurtsk28... that is just not fair!!!! :) How do YOU do it??
  • I'm 27 weeks too and I can't seem to put on the weight. I'm the same weight as before I got pregnant.

    What are you eating?
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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy thank you:) that's always nice to hear!
    @YNVTish really??? Well just be thankful! I am not eating anything out of the ordinary, pretty much the same as before I got pregnant. Except I eat a bowl of cereal or oatmeal for breakfast... I used to skip breakfast altogether and just drink coffee. Oh but I do drink a LOT more milk. I used to never drink milk & now I can't get enough of it. So if youre really looking to put on weight maybe drink lots of milk heehee:)
  • Im 37wks.& have gained 34lbs but I dont eat healthy & def dont drink enough water but in the last wk ive started walking 30min a day & drinking atleast 2 full bottles of water my dr says I will delivery early I hope so im ready to start getting my body back
  • oh & I drink tons of milk
  • I gained about 37 pounds and 38 weeks next week..but i am retaining a lot of water..since the beginning of my pregnancy I have not had one cup of soda I drink nothing but water and juice..since I am all water weight will I loose all the baby weight faster?
  • Anybody annoyed with those who declare they can't gain weight, lose weight, or have gained the same as you And are a lot further along?? Cuz I am.. no one wants to hear that :/
  • @may1mommato be I don't drink enough water either! I really need to work on that cause I know its not good. But I swear I pee every 5 min anyways!
    @seli234 I have no clue. But probably, that sounds right!:)
    @lilpeapod913 lol it definitely does suck to hear haha... just makes me jealous! Lol
  • I don't see that as being too much. Everyone is a little different. Are you swelling? Could be retaining water and just be that extra water weight...
  • ive gained a total of 11 pounds and im five doctor is saying im over what he wants me to be right now, yet he is saying the baby is 4 days behind in growth?? ehhhh wth?
  • i wouldnt worry about it to much cause towards the last month u gain the most....
  • Man I wish I was one of those women that barely gained any weight. It seems like no matter what I do I just keep gaining. 40 lbs im 34 weeks ...
  • @PreggoGiggles I have just started swelling the past couple weeks, mostly just in my hands and feet/ankles so far... maybe that's some of it? That would be nice:)
    @texasmom3 that doesn't seem like too much, that's weird! My doctor hasn't said anything at all about weight yet. I really don't want her to have to lol.
  • thats all mine talks about :( i hate it!! im 5'2 maybe thats why....its like "are u going off a dang chart or something?" ive never been a stick!! guess he wants me to
  • @texasmom3 yea I would be annoyed too. And really that doesn't seem like too much at all! You are half way there and even if you doubled that + a few pounds by the end you still did great!
  • @ashleywiini16 yeah my husband says the same...not to worry about it cause he doesnt want me depriving our little baby
  • Mine too..
  • I only gained 3 lbs total with my little girl & she was 7lb 7oz. But I'm overweight. I gained 50 with my twins & it didn't go away when they were born. Horrible I know.
  • I just started swelling really bad. I began around 140lb (5ft 8in) and am now to 180. I was told to lay off the candy but honestly i do not eat that much and have really been trying to eat healthy. I have never been overweight and am still very active. My doc said not to worry too much but to keep an eye on it. I wore a size 6long pants before pregnancy. I hope i go back!
  • Ok you all are so lucky I am 28 weeks and have gained like 50ish pounds my dr said I was under weight wen I got pregnant I was only eatin once a day now I eat three meals and snack but other than my caramel frappe its mostly healthy and homemade plus I, kno I just gained extra this week due to quitting smoking
  • Im at 22 weeks and I've gained about 20. I still am only at 130 Tho. My dr wants me to gain 40 tho cuz I was only 113 at first from morning sickness and I am 5'8". I feel like I might be gaining Soooo fast. This is normal right? First timer here :)
  • since 20 weeks ive gained 2.2pound p/w so thats normal I didnt have any trouble loosing it last 2 pregnancies n itd tge same this time so I hope I can again
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