i live in ohio... and have a ? for anyone

edited April 2011 in October 2011
They are saying that they found radioactivity in cows milk in sandusky so Wtf granite I don't drink milk it gets better now I hear not to drink tap water bc that has it too..... um everything thing you do you need water; most of the bottled water is just that TAP! I forgot to ask ny Dr about this today. Any advice from anyone with hoe your staying healthy.


  • I live in columbus(Dublin) and we aren't having any issues here. Bottled water not from ur area would be ok
  • Did they say how long ago they found the radioactivity? I'm guessing that it wasn't anytime recent and lots of babies have been born and grown up just fine. :) (Sorry no real advice...)
  • I live 45 minutes from sandusky, they said it was found over a year ago, and has not affected any households ? I'm late but hey lol
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