spotting causing me to become a very sad individual :(

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I went to the Dr. When it started and he saw a heart beat and told me it could go either way and to come back if I have period bleeding for two days...otherwise I go back the 21st... ugh I'm so depressed!


  • I'm so sorry... hang in there... i have heard cases where many women spot and still have healthy pregnancies... try not to worry.
  • Thank u .. its those stories that keep me going....
  • I spotted around my 3 month with my daughter she was completely healthy,n full term some woman spot around the time that their period is supposed to come I wouldn't stress to much which is harmful for the baby as long as its light u should b fine but if it gets worse or u start to cramp call ur Dr n go to er other than that relax
  • I'm like 6 weeks and have had cramping but no worse than like a period. The blood really comes when I wipe. I don't get more than a drop or two on a pad...tmi I know but I'm just very concerned
  • i was bleeding bad bright red and passing clots for about 12 hours went to my doctors office and talked to a nurse and that was it cause i wasent having to say i am now 17 weeks and baby is really healty...hang in there and try relax!!!
  • That's helps. I am having some cramping but I think that's normal at this point. The blood is dark red and there's not a bunch but its been going on since Sunday night. The flow lightens up to almost nothing every day but picks up back to light bleeding periodically ....
  • Could be implantation bleeding
  • I know exactly what you are going threw I went threw the same thing I was pregnant and had a m/c ....then got pregnant again and e this pregnancy I became so paranoid I started spotting and then bleeding red and I got really scared went to the hospital like every week due to the bleeding but everytime I went my baby was ok i was on bed rest and I'm now 12 weeks pregnant ant haven't bleed so I'm hoping all goes well just pray and think postive thought it could b because you over work yourself just rest ... good luck with everything hope all goes well.
  • How long did your bleeding last? How heavy was it? Any cramps?
  • Could inplantation bleeding last this long?
  • When I was 3 months I bled threw my underwear and my sweatpants while I was sleeping. No cramping though. And now I'm fine. I know its hard but just take it day by day. Good luck hun :)
  • With my son I started spotting in my third month, went to er, heard the strongest heartbeat ever! He was a healthy baby!
  • I'm having the same problem as you krae it scares me so bad and Idk Wat to do
  • @kaydenceaaliyah25 I know I cry like every day. What did the Dr. Tell you?
  • I am 5 weeks and the same thing started with me today. Little cramps and blood only when I wipe, I have a scan tomorrow but I am petrified x
  • Everything is ok, I started spotting at 5 wks, have a history of miscarriage, and I was so scared. Have faith in your god, pray, and relax...i was put on bedrest for 4 days and all is great now. unfortunately I had yet to see a heartbeat so I was feeling very anxious.
    It was explained to me that women have implantation bleeds at different flow rates, some so little that they dont even notice and some more heavy. Ok on top of that it can be as early as 12 days to multiple weeks later, it can take weeks for thr blood tp make it out. It can be as little as a few drops to as much as 48 hrs of a menstral. Although implantation bleed varies in color it is generally pink like starting a menstrual or brownish shade like old blood.
    I hope this helps, stay positive and off your feet.
  • I haven't been to the Dr yet I went health department and they told me I couldn't take a test yet cause it hadn't been 5 weeks since my period even though I had a positive at home test
  • Have u checked ur blood type ? If urs is negative mine and the father is mine u could need a shot if not it causes bleeding
  • kkaydence Idk what doctor u went to they tested me immediately ...go to another doctor
  • They need to know if you are rh.positive or rh.negative
  • I bled every day while i carried my dr. Had cramps too. Dr just told me to take it easy and when the bleeding got heavy, i would lay down for a few hours and drink all the water i could hold. I had mcs before, so i was very scared. She was born on her due date in the car on the way to the hospital, is now healthy, sassy two year old. Keep your spirits high as you can, put your feet up whenever possible. Drink lots of water.
  • With my daughter I bleed the whole first tri,i had a tear in the placental wall??. But my daughter is three so try not to stress to much, its easier said then done I get that. I've had twoi mc and am on my fourth pregnancy
  • These stories help. I am th negative and haven't got a shot yet. But I'm only six weeks this a problem?
  • My scan was good, saw the very faint heart beat. All a ok for now x x
  • Both my mom and sister had periods for three months into their pregnancies :)
  • I went back to Dr. Today the we saw the heart beat again...I'm still having don bleeding and cramping though. The heart beat was 90 and Dr. Said that low but every where I read says 90-110 is normal at 6 weeks! He really acted like I will miscarry but I don't understand I have been bleeding and it has had a heart beat the whole time ugh this is so frustrating!
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  • Send me some positive energy tooo =)
  • Dr's aren't always right. They cant see the future maybe ur little bean will stick just fine!
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