if any one is up.. HELP

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
After vomiting I started spitting up blood it wasn't alot but this has never happened to me and im not the type of person who vomits alot.. (25 weeks pregnant also) :/


  • I'd call your doc
  • Yea i would call the dr...i hope everything is ok..
  • yeahh i'd ring doc hope everything ok x
  • I have been vomiting a lot, and have
  • vvomited blood. I called.my doctor and she said that as long as I didn't keep on vomiting or saw blood in my stool. It was ok, probably from ripping the lining on your throat or esophagus.
    was it a lot? Did you check the back of your throat? do you have really painful heartburn? (these were my symptoms)
  • In my early pregnancy I had horrible and I mean drink water and throw up horrible morningnoonnight sickness and threw up blood I went to the er and they gave me meds in my iv to stop me from throwing up...the blood was from my stomach or throat lining
  • edited April 2011
    Uuugggh!! So sorry this is going on. I thought I got bad morning sickness but that really takes the cake. I hope you feel better soon
  • I hope everything is ok call the doctor
  • Everything was okay I ended up going to the e.r they gave me meds and an Ultrasound to check on bby and everything was great.. I hope u ladies morning sickness gets better it usually goes away around 4 almost 5 months and thank you all as well. :">
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