Natural and/or Home Birth moms



  • I want to do natural birth as well can anyone who has been through natural birth tell me what to expect??? I want the real truth not the sugar coated explanation
  • Everyone should watch this documentary that ricki lake and her friend made its called "the business of being born". Very enlightening about hospital births vs home/birthing center births. Can be found on netflix. I wanted to have a home birth but bd wasn't comfortable with it so I compromised to a birthing center. I hope I can actually do it.
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  • I did not tear. My doc applied skilled counter pressure on my perinium, and we practiced perineal massage for about 4 wks before birth. Had a small internal lesion that required 2 stitches so she froze me afterwards to take care of that. Doc attributed it to me listening when she said don't push, little push etc. She said If I had had epidural, hadn't done massage or kegels, I wouldn't have had that control.
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