Teen mom and everyone in my family is happy except one.

Ugh well everyone is happy for me and the bd except for my uncle.
At first he was then a week later he flips his wig about it.


  • Don't wory about there is always at least one rotten egg in the bunch...he will come around and if not just forget about him
  • As long as u have a supportive family,one uncle doesn't matter hun.
  • Oh well ur doing good if only one is unhappy... give him time he will come around they always do.
  • It's has nothing to do with him he will get over it
  • Most times uncles see you like a daughter so maybe thats why. Just give him time, he'll come around.
  • Its yhur bby hun yhur uncle itsnt goin to be caring for yhur child yhue &n the father will so no1 else matter good luck sweetie &n yhue hve a lot of support here frm all of us
  • Thank you all so much (;
  • mabey its not that there not happy but worried.. he will come around especialy if he loves you
  • Yeah.. I think there always one.. my grandma was not happy about me getting pregnant and im married and own my own house! So don't feel bad. :)
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