Wrong reading of pregnancy week

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
My husband and I went toto our appointment yesterday and I had an ultrasound my obgyn said that I was already 10 weeks pregnant, but they measure the fetus inside of me at the machine it says I'm just only 8weeks pregnant. I dunno which is true? And I dunno why I become 8 weeks instead of 10 weeks? Coz the first day of my last menstrual period was january 31st, so how this is happen? Can someone explain why I was down of 2 weeks? I'm so confused.


  • You could have ovulated later than the normal time frame
  • Probably fetal age vs pregnancy length that they measure from last period... I hate that it confuses me all the time... Fetal age is always two weeks behind you pregnancy weeks
  • Well I'm 13 weeks and my last menstrual was Jan. 14 so I would of thought you'd be 11 weeks actually.
  • When I was 9 weeks I was measuring 8 and now I am 20 measuring 21
  • go by ur lmp until u are further along
  • Ya I'm in my 11th week and my last period was 2 days before yours so u could have ovualted later.
  • So I'll follow my LMP instead of the age of my fetus? That really confused me.
  • I am 8w5d. I went to my first obgyn appointment yesterday, and when they did the sonogram, they said the baby measured 9w6d. So that would make me 10 weeks today. Uhh.. Kinda confused, and this is my third child. You'd think I would understand this. Anyone able to solve this problem for me?
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  • When i was six weeks my baby measured 4 and at 10 weeks she measured 10 and at 20 weeks she measured 19 it doesnt mean anythings wrong all babys measure different
  • Every baby develops differently
  • Same thing happened to me. I just ovulated later then i should have. Which they did end up moving my due date, but my babies all end measuring big by the end so it could move again
  • So I should go by the sonogram then.. Holy crap! I'm almost outta the first trimester then! Somehow, I feel as if this pregnancy is going to go by way quicker than my last two.
  • That's weird my lmp was Feb 1st nd I measure 12 weeks and five days but I guess all babys measure differently
  • I measured 6 wks 5 days at my first apt...but I found out 3 wks before that...they say my hcg could be crazy high...idk....
  • I was like that but only a week behind and so far baby has caught up almost last measurment was only a day behind find out tomorrow if its completly caught up and find out the gender can't wait!
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