give up



  • @suprised4number2 thanks her doctor was very happy at how well she is doing. She gained 5 oz. in 5 days. She likes to ready. She's gained 7 oz. since she came home if I heave my numbers correct.
  • Haha same here I barely put her down. I love the feeling she gives me. I never wanted kids mostly because I thought I would be a bad mom. But I think doing well so far. :D
  • @mommajan where do you live if you don't mind me asking. What state I mean. You don't have to give specifics.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian i love that im so needed lol. me too,i wasnt living a perfect life at all and meeting my bf was like fate lol he saved me really. cheesey i know lol. i live in new mexico but in aug we're moving to california. you?
  • @KrazymomofAdrian i love that im so needed lol. me too,i wasnt living a perfect life at all and meeting my bf was like fate lol he saved me really. cheesey i know lol. i live in new mexico but in aug we're moving to california. you?
  • I live in IA. I completely understand my bf really helped with me. My family loves him and so do my friends. He saved me too. My family was very happy that hw was the dad. I consider my self very lucky.
  • Uhh my phone keeps posting stuff n before I am done typing. Lol. After he takes very good care of me and Dri.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian i wish my family wasnt damn one minded. they dont like my bf,they think he "changed"me and he did but for the better. my family hasnt been here for us at all but ofcourse want to be around mari :/ i really hate that. they dont see the great guy he is n its sad! oh well tho i know hes just perfect :)
  • Thats too bad. As long as he tests you and Marilynn okae them that is fine. :) in the end you gotta do rite by you and baby. We will do fine. I'd the feeding going better?
  • Treats you okae I mean damn phone lol.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian thats how i think of it, as long as we're happy n healthy nothing else should matter. thats why we're moving to cali theres not really any jobs here in nm not really anything at all lol. its going alot smoother now. when she sleeps during the day i pump just to keep up the flow lol but shes doing really well now:)
  • Thats good. I think it is a common worry that they are not producing enough. I worry too, but I think newborns are just greedy lol. Jk. ;)
  • I won't say it's easy though lol. I can see why so many women give it up. I am just stubborn and don't have the money for formula. Plus its the best I can give her. How long do you plan on nursing?
  • @KrazymomofAdrian lol i think they are too. she always acts like shes starving! i worry cause she gets all fussy right after but she just likes the comfort i guess since i stay leaking all over lol. yea its very hard ill agree i came real close to just calling it quits but now that im getting more use to it its way easier lol. dont you have the wic program there? they get you formula if you dont bf but yummy food if you do lol. im hoping to nurse at least 4 months and longer if she wants lol its all up to my little bug:)
  • I am gonna have.her on breast milk for at least 6 months, and yes I am,on,wic. But as long as I am producing milk were gonna keep her on it. I would like to nurse for a year, but idk we shall see.
  • The first two weeks are the hardest! Don't give up
  • @KrazymomofAdrian yea its better for her anyway :) i hope i can keep breastfeeding for a year id feel so damn proud of myself lol
  • You can do it. Funny enough they say that weaning is harder on the mom than the kid. Maybe in a year we will still be on this app. This forum has actually helped a lot. I am gonna shoot for a year but 6 months is my ultimate goal.
  • @KrazymomofAdrian ive heard that too. lol i dont plan on getting off of it due to how new i still am to all this baby stuff . i think we can make a year its worth a shot lol
  • If she pulls away and fusses, it may be gas. Try burping her when she pulls away. I learned that my daughter didn't like some of the foods I was eating. When I or hubby tasted the milk, we could taste certain foods in it, like broccoli and garlic. I had to stop eating them till she was a little older, then ate small amounts to get her used to the tastes of the foods she didn't like. I nursed her for a year, and she weaned herself. I hope this helped, please don't give up just yet!
  • @4senough really you can taste the food you ate? thats crazy! thank you for the info it did really help alot :) n i dont plan on stopping ill try till my last effort is gone
  • Yep. We could taste onions, too. It was faint, but they can taste everything better than we can, so it was probably pretty strong for her. I kept a log of what I ate and when she refused to nurse, your lactation consultant can explain it better than I can, but it helped me narrow down the list of foods that she had an aversion to. It didn't last long, I gradually started working them back into my diet after just a few weeks, limiting amounts and watching her reaction.
  • Yay we can do it. Lol. I am sorry I am tired. Yay for bf buddies lol.
  • @4senough really I thought that was a myth. My main staple is pizza and she never has a problem finishing off the milk. I will have to keep that in mind. Thanx
  • @KrazymomofAdrian not a myth. Some babies are more tolerant than others, especially at first. My son didn't have a problem with anything but onions, daughter was a lot more picky. Depends on the baby.
  • @4senough no wonder she gets so gasy when i eat tacos lol. it makes alot of sense now :)
  • @KrazymomofAdrian me too :/ do you ever nap when Dri does? i never can lol so im kinda like a grouch by this time. yay for us:) we are awsome!
  • No I am not much of a napper. I generally get bored by this time. I am getting a little frustrated because she wants to suck but not eat. She spits out the milk. Then gets mad lol. And she just ate fine 10 minutes ago. I may cave and put her on one early if this keeps up.
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