applyin for jobs while prego?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I work a job on the weekends already but with the baby comin my income plus my husbands full time income we will just b getting by is it ok to apply for a job when you are pregnant? I don't want people to think I'm tryin to get benefits while on maternity leave cause I'm not I'm 25 weeks already but I just know we need the money as soon as we can


  • I just got a job and I'm 22 weeks. I'd say go for it :)
  • I would tell them you need to start work to help support baby. I know some jobs if you work full time you hae an oppritunity to get health insurance after a certain amount of months. Mine is 6 months.. g/l.. finding a job at all is hardly easy..
  • Every place i have applied at will not hire me because i am considered a liability.
  • Maybe a job doing light housekeeping, running elderly errands, childcare. Paper delivery in the early am.
  • edited April 2011
    Good Topic! Although it might be hard I say it can't hurt to look & try. I haven't been happy at my current job & thought about leaving several times, but also am afraid places won't want to hire.
  • I thought it was just me....i would love a bank job....i hate my job at direct tv...ugggh but baby due in august and i fmla it out as much as possible
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