quick question for the pregnant ladies...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, maybe tmi but I have had a crazy amount of clear watery/sticky discharge the past few days that is way not normal for me. I always have to use lube during sex because I don't get wet enough on my own. Could this be a pregnancy symptom? Other than the wetness and cramps I have no other symptoms so I was just curious. Anyone experience this at the very beginning of pregnancy? If I am prego, this app says I would be only 3w2d based on my lmp.


  • I didn't have an usual amt. In the beggining. Every woman is different tho. Is it too early to test? Do u want to b pregnant? :)
  • It can be a pregnancy symptom hun. At the beginning of my pregnancy I remember having a creamy milky white discharge. Id wait a week, if no AF take a test. :)
  • I would be excited to be prego but not really trying. I was diagnosed with pcos and was told it would be very hard to get pregnant on my own (without help from fertility meds). But since I was diagnosed last month I stopped taking my bc pills cuz I figured I was just wasting my $ anyway. I don't even know when to really expect af because of the pcos my periods a really irregular anyway.
  • TAke the test in a week like @mommyof twoprincess said. Then if u do get af keep track on a calendar when it starts n stops. Then track ovulation. Few months off bc your cycle may become regular. sending ya baby dust!!
  • edited April 2011
    Well maybe its ovulation discharge than hun. When you get to day 38 in your cycle (10 days late) and no AF then test since you are irregular :)
  • I had that, it gets worse. Now that I am 19w 4d I have alot of discharge. Make sure it stays white or clear. My turned yellow and went to my docter and found out that I had a bacterial infection (kinda like a yeast). Just keep a watch on all the changes so u know what's going on with your body.
  • Could be a sign, if not keep trying. My fast reading ass didn't catch on til after I posted.....whoops! I need to read alittle slower 4sure
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