Sorry if this is tmi, but I haven't pooped in a week, I've taken colace, eaten prunes, drank a fiber drink and eaten fiber gummies. I've been drinking lots of water too... I just don't know what else to do and its making my tummy hurt. Help?
If it has been a whole week, I would call the doctor hon. Especially if you have tried over the counter things and they aren't working. Your doc might be able to prescribe you something that will help.
I was going once every 8 to 10 days!! You can take miralax, glycerine suppositories and metamucil type products. They didn't work for me. But walking did. Lots of water and walking. My dr approved all of those medicines as did a specialist so try those and see if you can get relief. Also she said prune juice works better than prunes and lower your meat intake for a few days.
I had the same problem and had to take magnesium worked well but you have to drink like 12 oz and it tastes kinda bad. Just drink it as cold as you can get it