has anyone had multiple miscarriages

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I was just wondering if anyone has had multiple miscarriages in a row and how everything happened after or what they did to find out why.this is my 2nd and was wondering if anyone has go threw this and how it worked out


  • I suffered 4 miscarriages in 2 years.. my husband and I had every test imaginable done. After spending thousands with an infertility doctor, we were told nothing wad wrong. I'm now 41, and I was just told older eggs. He suggested invetro with a donor egg.. we took a couple months off to collect our thoughts, and we got pregnant on our own naturally. I'm 26 weeks and everything is going well.. hang in there...
  • im sorry about your losses!!! i know how much the lost of a child hurts,i had a still born at 20 weeks and amother m/s at 15 weeks a montj ago, after delivering the first one doctors took him to pathlogy ran a bunch of test and couldnt find out what happened, second one also a boy and again couldnt find any problems no down syndrome everything came back NORMAL, so i will never really know
  • @dueoct27th i had 3 miscarriages in one year, the first one was with twins at 16 weeks they weren't sure what happened, I remember I was having lots of spotting from the beginning of the pregnancy then they realized that it came from one of the babies but never thought it's a big deal, well the week of, ihad severe back pain and a fever then bleeding before my water broke and I had to stay at the hospital and go thru a vaginal birth :( they never knew what happened BUT I recently found out from the afp report I got at the time that I tested positive for neural tube defect and that could cause fetal death, that kind of did give me closure..anyway I had another 2 early miscarriages after that then got pregnant again and went full term and now have a beautiful healthy baby boy :) I had another miscarriage after that at 6 weeks due to low progesterone. Now im almost 18 weeks pregnant again with b/g twins and thank the lord eveything is going great.
    Sometimes doctors don't understand what causes a miscarriage but they will be monitoring your pregnancy better from your experience, I am very sorry for your losses, I know it's the most painful experience a woman can go thru but have faith, you will have a wonderful baby one day :) god bless
    Oh a good book I read was:"avoiding miscarriage" it helped me understand whats going on a little better.
    So sorry for the long post.
  • @josie749 where can i find this book at?
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