Anxiety/ Panic Attacks

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first post and I am a first time mommy. I have always had an issue with anxiety and panic attacks, even before the pregnancy. When i found out i was pregnant i quit taking all my meds cold turkey. I had withdrawls for a couple days but after that everything was fine with me (and baby). My anxiety was bad for a bit but then it just seemed to disappear and get alot better..until recently. The other day while in public I had a panic attack and felt as though I was going to faint. Ever since then i've been having panic attack almost everytime im in public :( Doctor tells me that the baby isn't affected by my panic/anxiety, just I am. I just want to know if anyone else is having anxiety problems like this and what they do to cope with it. Thanks in advance :)


  • I had anxiety attacks when I was pregnant with my first baby. Whenever you start to panic take deep breaths and tell yourself everything is ok
  • I have severe anxiety and panic attacks prior to becomming pregnant..I take zoloft 150mg a day....I found out I was pregnant last year and stopped taking my medicine for the babies sake....well a few weeks later I. Started having the anxiety which turned into panic attacks...and shortly after I now I am 8 weeks pregnant ...found out wen I was only 3 weeks and continued taking. My meds and I have been fine...and when I had my ultrasound all is well with remembr to keep ur head up....if u normally take ur meds regularly then maybe u shuld stay on them...depending what it was that u were prescribed....ur mental well being is veryyyy important...u need to b seriously doc told me..if u were on heart meds ...wuld u stop taking them wen u became prego? No cuz u absolutely need them....
  • Thanks for the advice & input :) @Bethaney74

    @nharmonygrl -- how far along were you when you miscarried? My doctor did recommend medicine but only if i feel like i really need it. Im taking the semester off from school and not working at the time so I have alot of time at home to just relax and it seems to really be helping my anxiety! baby is as active as ever :) lol thanks for your input!!
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  • Thanks @lmelanson I do feel better since i've been spending alot of time at home so hopefully ill be able to tackle the real world again soon :)
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