Oh the weight gain!

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
So I have gained a whopping 60 lbs. I eat very well and lost 120 lbs. Before I got pregnant. This has caused a lot of worry and stress. My nurse always treats me like a cow. I have been on Thyroid meds for 21 years of my life and knew levels were low...took them five months of pregnancy begging before they tested me and by then the damage was done. Am I the only one struggling?


  • Your not alone. With my 1st pregnancy(girl) I gained 90lbs. Which was a lot on my 5'3" frame. At my 4 week check up I weighed 136 and by the time I delivered I was 200lbs. After the baby I got down to a confortable 120lbs. Now with this pregnancy I started out weighing 125 and now 13 weeks later I wegh 135. 10lbs. So far... I hope I'm not repeating my last pregnancy. Its hard to exercise when I'm SO sick and tired. So I do understand your struggle somewhat.
  • I feel like a complete fatty. :( my husband tells me everyday how beautiful and sexy I am but I can't help but feel like hes just trying to make me feel better. I dont look like I weigh as much as I do, my doctor even told me I carry my weight well but knowing how much I weigh and that I have a little extra pudge around my midsection doesn't help haha plus I'm super scared my daughter will be born huge lol big babies are common in his family lol
  • I know! I do not want a 11 lb. baby!
  • Haha me either. The smallest of all his siblings was 9lbs 6oz. Thats a huge baby lol and my husband is nowhere near fat, but I hope she gets her weight from my moms side. The biggest of her siblings was 7lbs 7oz. And I was 6lbs 9oz.
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