:( :( :(

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
The doctor confirmed today from my blood work that I miscarried. I'm so upset. How do u deal with this?


  • different ppl handle it many different ways, I had a miscarriage today, I'm just surrounding myself with loving family, especially my children .. Funny movies, honestly laughter has been very helpful today ... I'm sorry for your loss sweetie
  • @jessi21, first off I want too say sorry for your loss. And secondly it takes time,alot but you will get better, just don't let anyone make you feel bad for being sad you are maorning a loss.
  • Its really difficult....u have to take it day by day. I had two last year and it was extremely hard. God created our bodies to do what it has to do. MC means something was wrong with the baby, do not blame yourself or ask what did I do....it is not ur fault. Keep your head up! I pray everyday to get thru it. Take time for yourself to mourn your loss. Sorry for your loss.
  • Thanks everyone. I'm just trying to hold it together. Work today was the hardest, they called me then and told me, I held it together for my customers but now that I'm home alone its harder.... :(
  • Know that everything happens for a reason. And cry as much as you need to. One day you will get your blessing. I did.
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