completely fed up and stressed

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I need to vent, my bf has been a complete prick lately and life is stressing me out to the MAX. He got fired (from his dad) b.c. he didnt have money to get to work. He hasnt really been trying (or caring) to look for a new job everytime i ask him he said he might have something lined up, he doesnt know. He already owes me alot of money since i paid rent, his insurance and his doc bill. Today he cashed in all our change we have saved up which is our emergency money (had about a hundred saved so far) and never even asked me and spent it on gas and cigerettes for himself and all he had left was 40 dollars! (Which i took and kept..) he made decent money working for his dad but he always spent it on stupid shit, like go karts, four wheel parts and all that crap. Hasnt saved a penny for the baby which is due in three months. Now we r completely broke and doesnt care or do anything about it. I cant afford the bills myself everytime i bring up money or a job he says "i dont wanna talk about it" or tells me i whine and bitch too much... WTF?? I am so sick of him lately and calling me a bitch cuz im on him all the time about money. Im so stressed out and ive been crying rent is coming up and i just cant make ends meet its so stressful right now and i cant get thru to him idk what we r going to do, i actually looked into getting a loan :( not to mention he put his truck on craigslist to sell cuz hes money hungry and never discussed that with me either! Im so fed up i feel so f*cking disrespected


  • All this bullshit happened within a week out of nowhere. We were doing fine, now everything is spiraling out of control and hes treating me like shit
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