That's actually normal during pregnancy hun. If you don't have a cold, I wouldn't take it because it can give you a reverse effect. Try vicks on your nose and a cold mist humidifier. That helps tons!
Ill try the humidifier and the vicks first and call my doctor in 2 days if that doesn't work I am sleeping elevated that was the first thing bd did. I just can't sleep with a stuffy nose
I agree hun, its very annoying. I hope something helps! Maybe its allergies. They get worse with pregnancy. If the humidifier and vicks doesn't work, I would definitely call your doctor and talk to him/her about your other options best of luck hun.
I don't blame you hun, im the same way. My doctor and pharmacist just told me on Monday that afrin was safe or I wouldn't have said it was. If you ever have doubts, you can call your pharmacist and they will be able to tell you what's safe hun