
It's after one, I'm exhausted, and I am seriously peeing every 5 minutes. And to top it off if I wait too long I get contractions. I swear, if I don't get some sleep soon I'm gonna scream!!


  • I'm with ya girl
  • too. I can't stop drinking tho cuz I'm so thirsty! I get up and pee once every hour or two at least.
  • Atleast you get an hr or two. For me, its every 30 mins and always stub my toe on the bed.-_-
  • This is getting old! Lol... I stopped drinking anything at like 10, where is all this coming from??? And its so much work to pull my butt out of bed!!
  • You could almost swear we are all camels with back up reserve. LOL
  • Haha I feel takes me like 10 mins to get outta bed. My feet swell bad during the day so I think that's where all my pee comes from...all the retained water circulating again. And the fact that I still drink water at night :/
  • Lol maybe we are peeing the baby's pee. I always had an over active bladder but this feels like I have five
  • Lol, yeah, I learned with my son to stop drinking water early so I wouldn't be up all night but it was so hot today that I drank tea all day and my feet swelled really bad, maybe I'm just getting rid of all the fluid. And yes, I feel like a camel, shoot, I think it be easier for a camel to get out of bed.
  • Haha so true...I hope we all stop peeing eventually and get some sleep! I wont until hubs stops snoring tho or I stuff a pillow in his face!
  • Yeah I hear ya! My hubby is hogging bed pushing me off snoring farting n elbowed me in face n I'm peeing cant sleep men got it good
  • edited April 2011
    Mine has gotten better about sharing the bed but the snoring is the worst. I have to use ear plugs but I do sleep a whole heck of a lot better. My issue sleeping is which side to sleep on whether it be left or right side. I'm so ready for a good night sleep though.
  • Ugh... I swear I got like three hours of sleep total last night!! And I woke up this morning and my belly grew!!! As if I wasn't uncomfortable enough. Lol

    Hope you ladies had better luck. <3
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