OCTOBER MOMMY'S??? When do you find out the sex of the baby?????

My doc told me @ 20 weeks. I'm soooooo anxious...lol


  • I haven't asked my dr yet, but its usually 20 wks, so June-ish. I can't wait. I'm due 10/25
  • It seems so far away...I'm due 10-22... I heard they can tell around 16 weeks I wonder how true that is....
  • Im due 5th of oct and still have no idea...ill be 16wks weds...
  • I will probably be able to find out around 16 weeks
  • I'm due Oct 6 and find out may 6.. which will 18 weeks. But if u do 3d 4d u Can find out earlier!
  • Im due the 26th but im paying for a 3d and find out may 9th
  • So where do u find out where to get the 3d done? And how much does that cost??
  • U can look online.. I live in Houston and there is a place.called peek a baby.
  • We go on may 12th to find out. I am sooooo excited. I will be 18wks then.
  • I just turned 15 weeks today and I find out what im having on May 6th, so 3 weeks from now :)
  • Due oct 19 u/s lady is gna try may 4 16 wks if nothing we go bacc n two weeks at 18wks
  • @michellebz07: I'm due the 22nd too :) It does seem so far away and don't know when to find out the sex either but still debating if I want to know what I'm having :)
  • I find out on a week in a half I'm so excited :) I'm due Oct 14
  • I'm due Oct 8 n find out on 18 may
  • I'm due on the 14th. I had to have mine rescheduled from April 15th to May 10th (due to technical issues at the Dr's office)
  • I'm due the 15th and I will find out may 26
  • I'm only 13 weeks and 1 day. But it just seem like my last pregnancy I found out around 16 weeks. I could be wrong but I'm debate n if I should wait or look more in to the 3d...hummmm.
  • @mummyoff2 I'm due 10/8/11 too! Hoping to find out tomorrow. I'll be 15w2d. I go every 2 weeks cuz I'm hugh risk.
  • My dr has the 3d/4d ultrasound machine in the room. Really anxious to find out the gender soon!!!! 8->
  • I'm due October 22. I can't wait to find out. I'm going to find out around may 25. Time is going to move so slow now.
  • due october 18th and i find out in may. it would be neat if i found out around my birthday its may 29th that would be the perfect birthday present!
  • I'm due on 10/8. I had a NT U/S a week ago and doc said she's pretty certain it's a boy :)
  • I'm due Oct. 1, and my amnio is on Tuesday. As long as the munckin cooperates, i will find out in 2 days!!!! If not, i will have to wait for the results. But, I'm optimistic becuause thats when we found out with our 2 previous. %%-
  • I'm due October 7th and likely won't find out until somewhere between May 16-20. My next appointment is Thursday, but there was no mention of an ultrasound. My doctor does have 4D ultrasounds.
  • I'm due oct. 18 and i find out on may 18. I have a little girl so fingers crossed its a boy!
  • @new_momma i'm due Oct 6th also i go on May 4th to find out gender!!!
  • I'm Due october 22nd and have my next appointment on May 9th. Really hoping they can tell me then, if not ill look into the 3d more.
  • edited April 2011
    They always make me wait til 20 weeks and I'm due Oct 16th
  • Due Oct 30th find out June 13th
  • Im due Oct 8th and I will find out june 1st!
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