some one please help

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hi I'm 30 and I'm almost 11 weeks and my baby daddy is 25 but that's not the problem he just had a baby by another woman and their baby is about to be four weeks and I'm so sad cause he is at her every call and I'm going through all kinds of emotions. When we started dating they had been broken up for five mos. Then when she found out he was dating me she calls and say she's five mos preg and now my life is up side down and now my relationship is over. He say he loves me and wanna be together but he's busy now and i havent seen him in two weeks and i only got like three phone calls with in those two weeks and it's like I'm here suffering sick all the time and he is tryn to live this dibbled life and me and my baby is stuck in his mess.please someone help what should I do? Should I just leave him alone and focus on me and my baby or should I give him time? Please someone help


  • I would say both, this has got to be stressful for him, so give him time while focusing on you and baby...good luck hope it all works out for the best and congrats
  • Sorry sweetheart but is say concentrate on you and baby for a bit. He may just want to spend time with his new baby because its here and real. I'm sure when your little one arrives he will be there for you both. I know its easy for Me to say try not to stress and get upset but your bound to be all over the place right now. Just focus on your future with a beautiful baby. Good luck x x x
  • Don't worry about him. Just focus on you and your little one. If he doesn't come around that's his loss not yours. I wouldn't even call and tell him anything about the baby. If he wants to know anything about the baby let him call you!
  • Thanks Kkmommy. I don't stress him because I know it's a lot for him to go through but, he can call or tex or just stop by to see if I'm ok. I'm just so sad cause this is supposed to be a great time for me and him cause our baby was planed.
  • @cheryl. Thanks. But I don't think I can wait until my baby comes for him to come around. @tootie. Thanks I'm gonna do just that. He missed the first appointment and I had to call him and let him know what happened. My baby wasn't a oops we planed this pregnancy and now I get the cold shoulder that's not fair
  • Yeah he should be calling you especially if baby was planned because he brought this on himself and that's not fair to you, hopefully he will come around soon, sorry honey
  • @cheryl. Thanks. But I don't think I can wait until my baby comes for him to come around. @tootie. Thanks I'm gonna do just that. He missed the first appointment and I had to call him and let him know what happened. My baby wasn't a oops we planed this pregnancy and now I get the cold shoulder that's not fair
  • Kkmommy, thanks for your kind words
  • Wow that's sucha touchy situation! Umm I wud let him act however he feels is ok but I wud let him kno how I felt! Don't worry abt that..worry abt the health of ur baby bcuz stress isn't good. Just ask him wat he wants 2 do and work from there! Good luck!
  • Thanks simone. I did ask him what he wanted to do but he always say the same thing. I love you and I wanna be with you and our baby. But what he say and what he do is two different things. Lile I said I haven't seen him in two weeks and I only talked to him like four times and I'm like sitting at home sad, sick, and depressed.
  • I would say forget about him because a man is gona do what he wants to do regardless. Your main focus right is having a healthy baby... You should not have to stress worying about all of that mess. Just act like you don't even notice he's not around when he calls, ignore him. Act like you got somebody else and I promise he'll come back around.
  • Where has he been in the last 2 weeks. I would assume if your baby was planned that you guys at least live together. Do you not? How far away is his other baby?
  • @serenitysmommy.thanks for your advice.@momma2joe. His other baby was born about four weeks ago and up to February we was inseparable the ferther along she got to her due date the more he pulled back and I gave him some space so he could be there for his baby. Now it's like I'm the outsider. The last time I called him was 4 days ago to let him know how the doctor appointment went, and that will be the last time I call him. I can wait until I can go without being sick so I can get out the house more, I don't. Like being sick in frount of people, do anyone know whqt I can do to stop from being sick all the time?
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