it is D day!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Going in to be induced this morning! Super nervous, and. Excited. Can't wait to see my little girl! I have been awake for an hour now trying to go back to sleep, but I am to excited. So I'm going to get up, shower, and them head to the hospital!!!!!! Wish me luck ladies!


  • Hope all goes well. Will keep you in my prayers.
  • I cant wait till im there I'm only 13 weeks so far hopefully time flies... congrats and goodluck >:D< !!!
  • Good luck!!!! ur so lucky I still have 2 more weeks. keep us posted
  • Oh how exciting. You'll do great. Praying for a quick and speedy labor/delivery. Happy birthday to your baby girl.
  • Congrats and good luck
  • Congrats and good luck! I was the same way with my daughter. Couldn't sleep at all I was so excited.
  • Good luck..and congratulations!
  • Congrats & good luck :)
  • Good luck! Stay calm .... :) hope u have a happy easy labor!
  • Good luck hun and congrats!!!! :D remember to RELAX!!! :)
  • Good luck keep us posted my due date is less than 2 wks im right behind u >:D<
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Good luck & early congrats on your new baby girl
  • Zoe arrived this afternoon at 1:23 10 lbs and 21.5 inches long. They broke my water at 9 am. Pretty short labor for how big she was. I had fentonal through my iv for pain releaf, and my doc made sure I didn't tare. He walked in just in time for me to push her out, but I still love him for keeping me in one piece down there! Zoe is so beautiful, and looks very well done. She could have come two weeks ago and been good. Any way, we are staying in the hospital over night should be able to go home tomorrow as long as she checks out. :) I'm excited.
  • Congratulations on your new baby girl!
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