I was scheduled for one on the 27th of this month at 20 weeks. However I fell last week and when I went in they couldn't feel the heatbeat so I went last wenesday. Baby is fine and the way he was showing his pecker off like " hey look at me I'm packing heat" the ultrasound technician was positive it was a boy lol
First us at 9 weeks found out the sex at 20 weeks and I'm now 35 and ready to be done! Good luck just remember time flys by...but trust me it will slow way down so enjoy the time you have!
I was 6 weeks and I got a vaginal ultrasound I had a accident rush to the hospital they did a routine preg test and I was I didnt know either until they told me.
I'll have my firsr ultrasound on May 4th i'll be 17wks6days so basically 18wks.