how to figure due date?

edited April 2011 in October 2011
Congrats to all Oct mommies! My hubby and i recently found out we are pregnant w our first baby! Im trying to figure out my due date. Is it more accurate to go by date conceived? Or lmp? How have u girls figured ur due date (besides doc telling you)...And when was ur lmp in relation to ur est due date? we've only had one u/s on Apr 8th so were looking fwd to our next one to better determine. Also my cycle was every 21 days. Not sure if that matters or not. Thank u for any input!


  • Yes, ur cycle matters for sure. Doc will calc 40 wks from FIRST DAY OF UR LAST PERIOD and that's bc they can't tell when u conceived. It's flawed bc its based on a 28 day cycle and women can conceive for about 5 days in the middle of their cycle. So I'd count 40 weeks from the first day of Last period, then subtract about 4 days since the estimation of conception is off by a week. There's also things that can delay ovulation like stress, illness etc. Ultrasound estimates by size but babies all grow at different rates. So take ur due date for what it is, an estimate. And enjoy the ride!
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