single mamas help please

Hello, me and the baby daddy have been broken up for 2 months now and I just can't seem to let him go, I miss him every second of everyday. We talk once a day but he says he just doesn't want to be with me, its very confusing and I need advice on how to get over him.


  • Or at least how to deal with it and not miss him so much.:/
  • Just stay busy go on a date if there r options
  • Concentrate on yourself and the amazing baby you have growing inside you. Try not to stress that's not good for the baby. I know its eaiser said then done but just try.
  • All you can do is stay strong, don't stay in a depression over someone who doesn't feel u the same way. Spend your time planning for your baby.Hanging out with friends, family. Time really does heal if your willing to let it go.
  • Me and my bbdy broke up maybe a week ago and im not trippin. my baby is more important than him he cause me to stress and that was hurting my baby. Plus other stuff yea I have my I miss u moments but I think about my baby and I pray to get over him. Its gne be hard but pray keep ur mind prepoccupied think about ur baby and time will tell just give him his space who knows maybe it was for the best you just couldnt r cant see it. Some men want there woman to act like this dnt give him the benefit of the doubt u strong do this for ur baby
  • Stay strong and focus on you. Getting over him wont happen overnight. I was 16 when I had my daughter, now im 23 and I have ben a single mom since she was like 2 yrs. old. It was hard facing being alone but I also loved the freedom and and No drama. Now me and my current BF are trying for my 2nd, his 1st. So it will get better just give ir time...
  • Hun my bd were together 2 yrs and once I got pregnant 8 months ago he left to be with the chick he cheated with.. He still says he wants to be with me then changes his mind so It's hard and very upsetting but the way I see it, everytime he hurts me it makes me that much more determined to raise my son to be nothing like his dad (as mean as it seems). Idk if you're having a boy or girl but if it's a girl you could focus on raising her to be an independent successful woman. A boy, focus on raising him to be like kinda man that treats women like he would treat you. How that helps.
  • Me n my bbydaddy were together 7 years n he leaves wen I get prego... I'm prego with our second...its hard but dnt answer his calls...try not to keep touch with him untill the bbys there's less stress....n if u keep talking to him he's ganna. Think he still has just TRY concintrating on ur pregnancy its hard...but once ur bodys back ur not ganna care about him...right now its the bby that wants him....not u its a mental thingy my friend told me...ur strong n I wissh u the best
  • Thanks ladies it defiantly is hard and I don't see it getting easier very soon, like you guys said it takes time.@dyanic yea we were together 3 years and he was supportive at first I kinda just hopes he comes around you know! Im having a boy and he will be a little gentlemen ! And I'm glad some of you ladies are so strong I will be soon. Thanks for all the advice I will def try
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