opinions appreciated please (no bashing)



  • @happy_mommy2be I went to school with a girl whose name was La-a (pronounced Ladasha). That poor girl caught all kinda hell with that name. Lol. We don't know what we're having until next Thursday, but if it's a boy- Cole Allen and Abigail Lynn for a girl. Simple and to the point. Haha.
  • Not really feeling it, dont take this ss rude but it sounds kinda ghetto to me. i just like more traditional names. No disrespect but its up to u.
  • @singlemama ghetto well excuse me but that's no Wat I get wen I hear Adoria! But ok opinions thx anyways...@newmommy cute name Wat are yuh hoping 4?
  • I like it! Easy for her to spell and write when she gets older, unique, nice flow. Its a keeper!
  • @happy_mommy2be We hoping for a boy. My fiancé has a 5 year old daughter, so we kinda want to mix it up a little bit.
  • edited April 2011
    I didnt read the whole thread but I have to say I LOVE that name. Very unique! <3 Adoria....yup, it's beautiful!

    FYI that chicks tripin ghetto to me would be like KiKi or something lmao Noone named KiKi get offended please!
  • I like it but you know what it doesn't matter what anyone else likes. If you like it and can hear yourself yelling it when she hits her teen years then you're good lol if we have a girl we want to name her Lorelai and so far no one likes it but she is ours and so we will name her what we want. I think its an awesome name very original which is nice. No fun when your kid goes to kindergarten and there are 3 other kids with her name.
  • I like it too, but if you wanted you could try just Adora without the I?
  • @preggers how do yuh pronounce it?
  • @cantwaitbamommy I'm just sticking with Adoria but thx
  • edited April 2011
    @happy_mommy2be Lor uh lie...that's the best I can do haha hope it makes sense lol
  • @happy_mommy2be I guess this would be easier to understand Laura lie...that probably makes more sense
  • @happy_mommy2be Thanks =) my mom doesn't like it she wants me to name my kids heather haha not that its a bad name but its an old name like a total 80's name you know?
  • @preggers Like Loralie off of Gilmore girls...lol Dont know if you ever watched that before, I used to in HS on the WB...I dont even think its on the air anymore tho but reruns lol I Like it tho :)
  • OMG I know like 20 heathers! Heather lynn heather michelle blah blah blah..Im not hating on that name but seriously I like Loralie and its unique!
  • @inloveee yup exactly like on gilmore girls lol and yeah there are a LOT of heathers so no thanks I want something a little less common. My name is super common so I want my kid to have an uncommon name
  • Sounds very pretty and unique. Just remember its what you like and want for ur babys name to be :)
  • I like...a lot. It's cute and ADORABLE! Job well done dad.
  • I like it, sounds like adorable, which your baby will be!!!! If you want my opinion, if you like it, why does it matter what others think. Stand up to them and say "this is my child, not yours. When you have your own you name it what you like. And I like Adoria for my child's name!!! " lol ok I'm done, I just hate when people judge on the name you or anyone else picks out for their child.
  • @countrymommaof2stb3 thnx nd will do I'm just getting fed up with ppl's real opinions lol but that will be her name
  • Your welcome hun. I named my first child jenell, and people made fun of it. But that's what I told them, the same thing I told you :p
  • well... i agree, screw the negative ignorance! I think it's pretty but what really matters is YOU! so keep it girl, it's a great name!!! :-D
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