baby shower drama already????

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm only 12 weeks and already baaby shower drama my mom wants to throw her own but my hubbys mom wants to help as well my mom stuburn and wants to do it all but its not fair she needs to get to kno his mom as well and work together why is there so much drama already its really makein me mad why can't we get along and have a nice baby shower together its supposed to be my day I want it to be a good one with. Both familys


  • Sit both of them down together and explain to them how you feel..its not about them its about you and they baby.
  • Offer to take them both out for a nice mother's day brunch. They can get to know each other, then the four of u, can discuss the shower together. Buy em something pretty too, it'll put them in a good mood to say yes ;)
  • Tell them to have separate showers. That's what i did. My mom threw one for me that was family and church members. Then i had one that was friends and our local fire department where my husband is a firefighter at.
  • edited April 2011
    I think you're all wrong.just kidding. But I think her hubby should play the peacemaker and remind them both of how emotional pregnant women get and that we don't want to upset her so they all need to get along for her sake. She doesn't need any more stress and this could be a great opportunity for the guy to step in and do the man thing and stand up for her needs. Sometimes bickering women will listen to a man...don't know why, just is what it is. Good luck! %%-
  • @Rhondala
    Lol, he can do this while they all eat breakfast, then suggest 2 showers if they start bickering.
  • I just let mine do it separately last time around. ;)
  • I kno but the bd mom don't wana do it seprately idk why its just alota drama
  • Have 2 ,I am :)
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