pregnant and have ptsd

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
i was recently diagnosed with ptsd. my son died of sids at 3months old 3/3/10 and now i am 5 months preg..thankfully its a girl. anyone else have similar experiences


  • Both my husband and I have ptsd, but its because both of us grew up with alcoholics and drug addicts for parents. I never thought about it before I met him, but when a child has to constantly deal with a parent screaming and trying to hit them one moment and then being loving and nice the next, it makes the child overly analytical of other people's emotional state. I get anxious when I'm around a drunk person. Sometimes I get panic attacks.

    That's really terrible that the source of your trauma is sids related :( My aunt had a baby girl die of sids a month after she was born and it still hurts her.
  • its been a little over a yr and ptsd forces me to relive finding him daily. i havent been able to properly mourn its like a huge wall in front of me and everyday is the same and just goin through the motions. im sorry you had to deal with that. i know alot of ppl would destroy their lives after somethimg like that and im glad you are still living yours the best you can and that you have found love with someone who understands
  • Its important to mourn and just get it out. Of course you'll still hurt and miss him, but hopefully your baby girl will fill part of that hole. I know it sounds cliche, but since I grew up in such a toxic home, I plan on being clean (wasn't before I got pregnant) and not continuing my bad habits when baby is here. I want better for my child than I had.
  • Wats ptsd????
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