edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
My baby puts on quiet a show at ultrasonds appts!! She waves, plays with her fingers & runs from the camera!! Lol its 2 cute! She even turns her but 2 the camera like kiss my ass!! I love it...all that personality already...I can't wait 2 meet her!!! DD 9~4~11


  • **typo~~ ACT A FOOL** LOL SORRY!
  • Awww! How cute! Mines usually asleep.
  • Mine kicks the ultrasound wand as hard as possible, swims to the opposite side of my stomach, sucks her thumb and puts both hands in front of her face So we can't see it :)
  • My little guy does the same thing he is always grabbing the cord playing with his feet and hiding from the ultra sound tech.its kinda funny :)
  • So cute! I have twins and one is lazy and always sleeping and the other is crazy like yours, lol.
  • @pregnantlettemama lol aww well at least the baby is getin rest! I hope u get 1 good active ultrasound! Its 2 cute!
  • @EiralynnesMommy yours is a mess like mine..it makes u wonder what they will be like when they get here! Congrats!
  • @Maymommy2011 aww aren't they cute??! I love when they play peak~a~boo with the tech! It shows so much personality! Congrats!
  • @MelissaNsteve aww twins!? How cool! What would be funny is if they swap places once their born! Lol I wonder what they think abt while they are in there? Lol does 1 baby know their not alone in their? Lol
  • @kaloresxcierre u may have a real dancer in there! Or a track star! Either way its 2 cute! Congrats!
  • @August22baby aww how cute! I love when they show off! Its crazy how u can fall in love with a person so quickly huh? When u see them move around in there its the most refreshing feeling ever! Congrats!
  • @kaloresxcierre aww 2 cute! Lol they are all in love in there..but I hope they stay in love!
  • I have an ultrasound photo of my son sucking on his toes
  • @kaloresxcierre hahaha well we hope he runs out! He may not want 2 leave! My 1st baby was way 2 comfortable!
  • @redhead25 lmao ummm he's going 2 make some1 a very hapy girl one day lol..omg that is 2 cute! Congrats!
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  • @Simplyraven22406 aww that's sucks..the baby just don't want u 2 know! Lol but how far along are u?
  • Yes mines quite the entertainer lol
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  • I hope mine does something! I have my US in a couple weeks. I'll be almost 19 weeks then. My first was just very peaceful and cooperative. She got a compliment from the tech for being such a good baby, but I hope Pebble does something cool!
  • My son stick his tongue out today but kept putting his hand on his face..he sucked his thumb took so cute!
  • All these active babies! I love it! Keep it comin!
  • Mine just turns over and all u see is spine and she hugs the sack like its a body pillow. :)
  • But like two us ago she was sucking her thumb u could see her jaw moving it was super cute. ;)
  • @momof22be how cute! My 1st baby was always playing with her mouth..but this 1 is always waving! Congrats!
  • at my 11 week ultra sound the baby did flips, crossed its legs, waved at the camera, mooned the camera and kept moving the entire time. The u / s tech got a little frustrated because it took her almost 2 hours to get the pics needed for the n/t. she kept commenting on how active the baby was and asking what I'd ate. Lol
  • @simone Thanks my first was always sleeping that's cute the waving. :)
  • @1sttymemommi my baby does the exact same thing! At 11 weeks he waved at us then started doing flips then turned his back when we was trying to get a face picture and he kept putting his hands together and kicking his feet in the end. I was so happy my baby was so active I almost cried! the nurse was surprised I couldn't feel any if that movement.
  • When I had my u/s for down syndrome my lil girl wasn't moving much for the tech to get the neck measurement, so they gave me an apple juice and told me to drink it as quick as I could. Sure enough about 5 minutes after I drank it this crazy child was spinning and sticking her feet near her mouth and just going crazy lol. The tech told me sugar will make them really active so when I went to find out the sex I drank sweet tea (my ABSOLUTE favorite lol) the tech saw the sex within seconds and she was moving like freaking crazy, I totally recommend drinking something with sugar to get 'um moving :-D
  • My baby(not sure the sex) was on its hands and knees head down digging tryna crawl out the dr. & nurse all started laughin sayin "look he wants out already!" It was too funny!
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