induced before due date??

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so I'm due may 28th but I'm wanting to be induced early..I'm having family up around may 20th and they won't be up long enough to see my due date and Idk when I'll see them my question is...I wanna be induced may 23rd which is only 5 days before my due date...and the baby is perfectly healthy and growing what do you ladies think my chances are of being induced....I see my Dr Thursday...but I want your opinions so I can decide if I wanna follow through and ask her or if I just wanna wait and see how the next few weeks go and see if he will come early on his own. Thanks girl's!!


  • My due date is May 22 and i am being induced on May 16 but for medical reasons. You could see if your doctor will let you but some doctors wont do it unless its necessary.
  • Most drs will induce close to due date if your cervix is ready. If your cervix is not ready and they try to induce you could end up with a c section. I would say talk with your dr and tell him why you would like to be induced and maybe he or she would agree.
  • edited April 2011
    If your cervix is ready you have the option being induced 1 week prior
  • I was induced with my son 1 day before my due date, he was not ready to come and neither was my body. I was sent home as a failed induction and was induced once again a week later and he arrived with no problems. My advice to anyone that wants to be induced early for personal and not medical reasons is to not do it. There is nothing worse than having somewhat regular drug induced contractions all day long and have nothing happen and then have to go home an wait longer. You never know, you may have the baby early all on your own.
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