back pain!!

I am 15 weeks and 5 days and my back has been hurting sooo bad that somedays I can't even move. I've laid on the couch about all day today trying to get some relief. Is anyone else experiencing this awful back pain?


  • I've had back issues for years and the pregnancy has only made it worse. Try rotating heat and ice on it for 15-20 minutes each. Also ask significant other to lightly massage the area. And obviously try some tylenol, but I think we all know it's not the greatest pain reliever.
    Hope that helps! Feel better!
  • I'm only 10 weeks and 1 day and my lower back, tailbone, and hips are killing me. It seems to hurt most when I sit. I thought this would happen when I was farther along.
  • I've had it since 6 weeks... and I'm 32 weeks now! It got so bad that my foot was going numb. I'm on limited bedrest now, but I don't rest enough. Doc said to lay in a supine position. Maybe you could try that? Pelvic tilts are good... and ice as apposed to heat, due to the fact that if you have inflammation, ice will help reduce it (since we can't take anti-inflammatories). Get on all fours and see if that relieves some pressure from your back. Good luck!
  • Thanks! I will try some of that. I started going to the chiropractor to see if that would help any, and im pretty sure he is just making it worse
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