in need of some advice!

edited April 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So the doctor gave me a 50/50 chance of my baby surviving but I'm praying hoping for the best ....this is actually my second pregnacy but my first I had a baby father been very helpful and caring for me and our baby but acouple of days ago I kept having dreams about him kissing another girl but I pushed it aside (most of our time we spend it together) JUST last night I went thru his phone and found he been texting other girls and one conversation just took me on a loop, they talked about how they liked each other kissing now I'm stuck....SO FAR IM CALM, RELAXED & just being cool for my baby sake...what would you do if you were in my shoes???


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  • Id let loose. It would be sooo OVER for him.. But in your case you need to be calm and collective for babys sake.
  • Beat the shit outta him lbvs Idk I'm the type to.not let no one play me as a fool nd if u do ill make u look worst but if I was giving a 50/50 chances for my baby survival I would jst stay calm since non or no one is worth losing another bby or risking it...I'm sry if I didn't really help =\
  • But I do say beat tht ass!!! Lol sry I jst can't let it slide I would be goin crazy
  • Thanks ladies, I totally agree & I will confront him about it.
  • Honestly ladies I know the pain of losing a baby & trust me when I say its so hard to deal with the fact my lil one is gone; regardless if he make me look a fool right now my main concern right now if helping my baby now survive anyway I can even if its just being cool for now....the situation wit me and him I'm def gonna let him know I'm still kinda shock after everything me and him been thru....his actions tells something else [-(
  • I'd confront him. But in a cool relaxed manor. I'm a joker so if I saw that I would joke who's the best kisser me or that other chick. And if he looks at you like wtf just be straight forward. I saw your phone looked in and my intuition was now I've done my explaining your turn. There's two roads here. The truth which will be easier or lies which will lose me. Now I know guys hate being put on the spot. But there's no easier way to do it. Just remember to be calm don't get upset. And of he goes off snooped thru my phone, be like its not snooping unless you got something to hid. And if he gets really know he's hiding something. Still be calm about it all. it'll be hard because you know what you saw and read. I've been thru something like this before. A month straight of lies and defensiveness and fights till finally I said I'm not going to be with a liar and nor is my child. I will not put up with bullshit!! which lead him to tell me stuff. I hope I helped a lil. Just take your time in confronting him, and relax its not the end of the world. The one big thing in your life that matters is your baby. And remember your not stuck being with him as a couple if he's doing stuff he doesn't deserve you or the baby.
  • You can talk about it with him but first of all dont get yourself heated in the conversation. Its really up to you if you want to stay with him. Sorry to say they probably have had sex already. So the best thing to do is ask yourself what you want to do with the relationship before you talk to him. If he says "yes I have cheated on you" what would you do then.....would you give him a second chance?
  • @number2ontheway you were very helpful, & I kno I'm not stuck in this relationship wit him is just the fact that I know it won't be the same no more. Thank you, I really like your advice.
  • @Patiently_Waiting I love him deeply but me nor my baby dont deserve this....if I leave it just me & my baby...I'm capable of supportin me and my baby, if I stay give him a second chance would I be able to trust me again ? Idk, would I think for now on he always will talk to another girls? Yes sooo I really wouldn't trust him again.....get me?
  • Also if you don't confront him your going to be tormenting your self...that's what I did in the beginning. Which is a lot worse. And not good for you. If you need anything don't hesitate to email me.
  • losin hacen aby is very hard , i say keep calm hun and just talk to him in a normal talK . just talk calmly.
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