please advise me

edited April 2011 in High risk pregnancy
I had a mc and had to do a dnc , how long should i wait to get preg? we really want to get me preg soon..


  • i say wait 2 months most people would say 1 but u should let ur body heal and rest and take vitamins so 2 months:) good luck mama
  • Yes, i agree, i will wait two long months, its for the best. And thank you, god bless
  • Wait three...i had two mc's last at 7 wks..n the next one at 18 wks.4days....your body needs time to heal...just rest and give it time to make for full pregnant about two months after first mc....and they told me it was too soon...and I wound up losin that to be sure...give it three....this time I waited 6 months..and im 9wks now n everything is good so far...i know ure anxious..but play it safe and hubby will be in my prayers
  • I have been through 4 miscarriages, and I was also told to wait 3 months.. if you get pregnant too soon, sometimes the pregnancy wont be healthy.
  • Thank u girls, i will wait , its true, i need to heal. This sure is helpin me alot i apreciated alot
  • Better to be safe than sorry. 3 months is a good amount to wait to try then might take a little while to fall preggers...
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