no one knows .....

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
That every night before I sleep I sing to my baby "You are my sunshine but only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you so please don't take my sunshine away" :X. I can't wait to meet my baby in Oct.


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  • :) nice!! & heyy beautiful name, that's my name as well & if I have a girl her name will be jocelyn also :-D
  • OMGoodness @joshi!!! Me and my mom use to sing that song to my belly when i was pregnant with my daughter (she's now 5) and i kid you not... my daughter now sings that song. Its what we sing when either me, her, or my mom needs a little pick me up. My daughter has already made plans to sing it to the baby once he gets here! :)
  • I sing my kids a song called tell me why my 10 and9 yr old still ask me to sing it to them and my daughter sings it to my belly

    Tell my why the stars do shine
    Tell me why the ivy twines
    Tell me why the skys so blue and I will tell just why I love you
    Because god made the stars to shine
    Because god made the ivy twine
    Because god made the sky so blue
    Because god made you thays why I love you
    I really think that god above created you foe me to love
    He picked you out from all the rest
    Because god made you I love you the best

    My great grandma sang it to her kids my grandma sang it to my mom and her brothers and sisters she sang it to me now I sing it to my kids

  • Damn hormones, I always say things in my head but not out loud, so I just talk to the LO for a little bit and started crying
  • I sing a song that I made up with everybody n our immediate family names.
    U gotta mama name tib
    U gotta a daddy name erin
    U gotta brother name tyrell
    and so on
  • My grandma used to sing that to me! I miss her!
  • I talk to mine all the time: on the way to work. When im watching tv. When im in bed. During the night when shes kicking me and im telling her to go back to sleep. Even in the shower. I tell her that's its bathtime and when im rubbing soap on my belly im saying 'yeah we're getting you all nice and clean" lmao I feel like a nerd sometimes but my husband always talks to her too
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