please help.

edited April 2011 in December 2011
Does anyone get chest pain at all? Cuz on top of every other symptom I have, I have also started having some chest pain the last few days. I need to know if anyone has experienced this before, cuz I didn't with the last 2 preg. Please help.


  • Chest pain such as hard to breath?? Or???
  • No its nothard to breath. Its just pain in the middle to upper middle of my chest. Right in between my boobs. And not the same kind of pain I'm already having with my boobs. Its more sharp. Whereas my boobs just ache.
  • I'm sorry dear.. I only experience the hard to breathe pain.. I'm Sure u can Google similar stories.. sorry I couldn't be of more help %%-
  • @angel26 ok so im not in medical field at all but I was preg with my 4th and had same pains and it turned out to be my gallbladder.I had to have it removed 3wks after my 4th was got so bad it felt like I was having a heart attack I went to e.r and they did an ultrasound and found out I had is very common for women who have had multiple children for them to have gallbladder issues.please check with your doctor.let me know how everything goes.good lucking
  • Ta2edblonde not that I'm aware of.
    Lucky7 I had that problem with my 1st and had it removed. That was a way diff pain. I guess I will have to talk to my dr.
  • Dose it stay or comes and goes?
  • I have pain like my left side chest it hurts dnt know y eaither
  • Its probably Gas! Try to take a tums and belch a few times. I bet it goes away ;) if not then contact your dr.
  • I comes and goes. And I'm always burping lol. I've had a lot of gas lately. But that doesn't really help. But I'm going to call my dr tomorrow and hope I can get in soon.
  • Oh and thank you everyone. I apreiciate all of your comments.
  • It could be really bad acid reflex I know I have that xc and I get really bad chest pains
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