mad as hell but all i do is cry (venting)

edited April 2011 in Pregnancy and fathers
So as many of you know I just had my son a week ago. He is so wonderful. My husband and I shared all responsibilities while at the hospital. The minute we got home he started acting different abt everything. He has made me feel like total shit. I've asked serveral times that he be nice but nice is not within him right now I guess. I have 3 children from a previous marriage and my husband and I have a 13 month old and now a 1 weeek old son. He has something rude to say everyday to me abt "are these kids mine" "are you sure you weren't with anyone else". I tell him everytime get a fucking DNA test. Theses kids are 100% his and there is NO chance they would be anyone elses. My 13 month old looks exactly like him. And my 1 week old looks a lot like me but has his dads nose. He looks like a newborn. Lol. Then lastnight he says I want another baby. Knowing that I got my tubes tied cause that's what he wanted. I asked him several times throughout the pregnancy are you sure you don't want anymore and he always said we have 5 that's plenty I don't want anymore. My dr even asked both of us a half a dozen times if we were positive that we didn't want anymore and he said he was positive everytime. And now he wants to act like that. When I said you were the one that pushed so hard for this tubal and now you wanna throw that in my face knowing that I wanted 1 more. All he could say was I never wanted you to get it done and it was your choice. I really don't know what to do. I swear I have spent every night in the bathroom crying just so my kids don't see me so unhappy. Ugh sometimes I just wanna pack up and move the hell away from him. Its not right to hate anyone but I think I'm getting to the point that I hate him.


  • Am sry him guys can be jerks at times. Try to talk to him if not let it be. Just take it easy. Can u untie ur. Tubes just let. Him know its goin to cost more. Good luck
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  • Thanks @expectingbabynumber3 and @lil_buggie_3. I will try talking to him and hope he gets the point. I was a single mother of 3 for a long time after my ex and I seperated. I'm sure I can manage just fine with 5 on my own. I just don't understand why he thinks its so funny to put me down and make me feel like I'm nothing. But when I say something abt leaving he gets so nice and starts doing every house chore there is. Ugh. I don't know abt getting my tubes untied. That would have to be later down the road if I did that. We really need to work on making our marriage work before it ends up like my last marriage. I'm just lost and in my own world. And even more that way since my only friend lives 2 hours from me. I don't have any friends since I moved away from my home town to be with my husband. And my family don't live close by either. :(
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