I'm 7 weeks pregnant, i want to have sex with my boyfriend, but I've been spotting and I'm worried it can cause a miscarriage. I asked the dr. And she said its fine but I'm still worried.. what should I do?
Spotting is normal. Your baby is safely tucked away high in your uterus. I say enjoy yourself while you still can comfortably. Probably tmi but I'm in my second pregnancy and with both my sex drive went way up during the first trimester.
Yea what she said lol ^^^^^ enjoy ya self its not goin to cause any harm ...and jus like u @sweetsurprise I'm in my 1st tri and I'm extreamly (excuse me for sayin it) HORNY!!!
I just hit my second trimester and my sex drive is gone i was also really scared to have sex in my first i had a lot of cramping but i guess it was just my body getting the baby moved in cuz its still here and healthy