Hypothyroid and Pregnancy

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I had developed hypothyroid with my last child 5 years ago. This is my first pregnancy with hypothyroid. Has any had hypothyroid while pregnant? Did everthing turn out good? This pregnancy has been difficult. A little concern about my baby. Dr said baby should be fine as long as I keep up with my meds. Still a little scared...


  • I have a friend with over active thyroid, diabetes, and neurothapy (spelling?) She had a healthy baby girl... she did have to have a c section though....
  • I never had a c section.. I guess I'll do whatever to make sure the baby is ok.
  • I've Had hypothyroidism with all 3 pregnancies. My mom had thyroid cancer. She had 3 kids naturally, all healthy. My kids were all natural, all healthy. Just take your synthriod you'll be fine.
  • Thank u so much. Glad to hear it went well. Feel better :)
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