im so gna cheat

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
I can't stand it any longer. The suspense is .killing me. So I made an appointment spur of the moment this morning to have an ultrasound tomorrow afternoon to find out the gender. A month is tooo damn long for me.


  • Lol, awesome! That will be me in another month!!! :)
  • I couldnt wait either! My u/s with my doc isnt until May 4 but we went 2 weeks ago and found out its a boy!!!
  • We found out at 16 weeks we were supposed to wait till the 29th but couldn't we got a 3d us last week to confirm and Yea she's a girl. ;)
  • How far are you? My doctors are so weird about letting me have ultrasounds so they won't let me schedule one early :(
  • Congrats ladies!!!! I am 16 weeks one day. Ya same wit my Dr but Eff that...I'm going somewhere else even if I gotta pay. I was scheduled for the 19th of may. Toooooo far. Made it today for tomorrow.@jellybelly1015 how far r u...u know they can tell u at 14 weeks.
  • 14 +3. Had u/s last week or so for nuchal and they wouldn't check and next one not until end of May probably. Plfft. I did lose my mind and rent a digital fetal heart monitor that has been keeping me sane the last few days.... :)
  • What the hell!!!!!!!! Why the hell not??? They coulda looked it was right in front of their face. Idiots. Haha I'm.sorry Thas so annoying. They're able to tell. Ridiculous ppl
  • I cheated to..was worth it!
  • I had an ultrasound yesterday !
    I couldnt wait till I was 28 weeks !
    And I'm berly going to be 21 weeks
    Said it was a girl !
    Hoping it stays that way LOL .
  • Congrats ladies....:)
    Yes its going to b worth it. I mean at my Original us they're only gna do a Normal 3d or 4d. So screw that
  • Where did u guys schedule ur ultrasounds?
  • At my first peekaboo. Found it online. You can Google 3d and 4d ultrasounds around ur area. Where do u live?
  • It's a girl!!!
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I looked up ultrasound places around my area. I mean u dont have to have ur Dr permission..shoot its ur baby. So I googled it....3d n 4d ultrasound places in Santa Barbara , which is my town. How far along r u?
  • Drink something really sugary like apple juice or sweet tea, make that baby active so you get the best peek :) good luck!!
  • Sorry saw that you posted you found out, congrats in the baby girl! I understand tho how you feel, I really wanted a boy and I could see the disappointment in my husbands face. It bothered me so I surrounded myself in pink and now I'm happy :) hope everything goes well @adri805
  • Thanks!!!!! Congrats...I wAnted a girl from.the beginning. Then the BD kept saying its a boy...I started getting used to the idea that it could b a boy. So then I wanted a boy n my bd wasn't picky. He was only giving me a hard time. Jerk. I wrote another post about how bad I felt bc wn they told me.I cried. N not outta happiness. I'm such a jerk. N e ways...I have to thank god.its a healthy baby no matter the sex. Congrats BTW...ur first? How far r u @AKmommy
  • I totally understand! I just KNEW she was a girl so when the tech said it was a girl i wasn't surprised but I knew my husband really wanted a boy first so his initial disappointment(lasted about 10 secs) I actually cried a little, but now that I get to cover everything in pink zebra print Lol I'm almost 24 weeks, my first, you have a name picked out? @adri805
  • I cheated 2 last week but my baby wouldn't 2day I go 2 check again...hope I'll fond out, super excited 2 shop!!!!
  • @AKmommy, nope no names yet. This is gna b a battle between BD n I. I want a unique name like my first born. Hes gna b difficult. U have n r names picked out? O
    mg pink zebra sounds so cute!!!!

    @2lildivaz1prince good luck!!!! What r u hoping for?
  • @adri805 we are naming her leora (sounds like lee or ah) after my mom whose name was Laura and Bree after his mom whose name is Sabrina. Short and sweet :) lucky it wasn't a boy cause I'd have the same issue you're having Lol the hubby can't complain about her being named after our mothers
  • @AKmomma yeah ur right..Haha...n I like it. It's cute!!!!!
  • I'm on team pink....this is my 3rd grl & I'm super happy about son has a big job ahead of him...LOL
  • Congratulations glad u know. Yay team pink me too I'm naming her jasmine
  • Awww congrats!!! @momof22be

    @2lildivaz1prince I hope u get wut u want :)
  • Ur welcome
  • Haha I feel ya, we decided to wait for the suprise at birth, now im 27 weeks and its easier for me because I made it so far I dont want to give up now! But my husband is going insane and was trying to peek through the folder at the.doc office the other day!! Haha
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