moodswings, weight bouncing up and down and cramping

ok so i have been on a diet for a month now, the first 2 wks i lost 15 lbs. then gained 5 back and its been a steady 2 up 2 down since then, i have realized if i dont take my prenatals every day i become severly hormonal, i can go from wanting to kill any one and everyone who crosses my path to crying my eyes out in a split second... this sucks because of the high amounts of iron, if i take my prenatals every day i spend three days constipated, but if i dont, then im a royal bitch... ive been cramping really bad these past 2 days, yesturday on my left side, and today my right. it feels like someone stabbed me with an electric screwdriver, and is just going to town, if i keep this up then tomorrow will be both... i havent had a cycle since, november, i would love for it to start naturally!


  • Those cramps might have been you ovulating, that's what it feels like when I ovulate.
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