So nervous!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I am pregnant with my first at 19 and will be 20 on Feb 13th. I'm scared...I'm going to be a single mom and I'm 25 weeks with a little girl. Any advice would be great. :) scared of preterm labor. What are the signs and symptoms?


  • I went into preterm labor with my son who's now 4 but I dont think mine was "normal". I was already in the hospital with multiple kidney stones and the pain caused contractions and then labor. I wouldn't have known if they didn't tell me honestly!
    Being a single mom will be hard but totally and completely worth it! Good luck with everything and just try to take it easy - nothing good comes from a stressed out preggo!! :-)
  • Awh I'm 19 as well. Not a single mom but the dad is in the military so he will be gone a lot. He's even gonna miss the birth bc he will be in basic. So in a way I feel a lone.
    Preterm labor signs cramps like your period. The sensation of the baby rollin up. Pressure. Bleeding. Or sudden gush of fluid. Stay hydrated! Lots of women get dehydrated and it can cause you to go into preterm labor. And anytime you're unsure call your doctor.
  • Thank you so much! I'm having issues with the single mom could you not want a beautiful baby. I don't understand it..
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