21 year old father to be

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Hi everyone, as the tittle says I am 21 in college with a good head on my shoulders. This is my first kid I'm scared but excited I'm looking for a little bit of help/advice. We have not told our parents yet (DOING VERY SOON) and feeling just about every emotion in the book. Very quickly we decided were keeping the baby (very easy decision lol)

we are both managers at our jobs making what the average college student makes. We know to talk to WICK and planned parenthood to get us started. College is a must so I am going to do my best to finish within this summer.

We are both very happy with each other and talked about kids within the next 2/3 years but time has jumped lol. I don't have doubts about us or our future family just would like any advice,tips,ideas,thoughts...etc anything.

Ps we found out on Friday, sense then I am trying to find everything useful to read. Thanks to everyone in advanced :)

-one lucky man


  • Well there are lots of books on becoming parents. Also I have subscription to baby talk and parents magazines they are helpful. Talk to your doctor about helpful pamphlets ect. If you ever have questions feel free to ask :) congratulations
  • Hi and congrats im preggo with my second about six weeks along. Just be super sweet her hormones are going crazy. If she says the sky is purple just agree lol I wish yall the best of luck. Any questions feel free to.ask
  • Congratulations!! :)
  • Thanks a lot. I think more then anything im scared to tell our parents. How to brake it to them...."ummmm mom she is preg" lol can't see it going over to smooth
  • Just warm her up to it. Take her to mall this weekend let her see all the cute babies then break it to her.
  • I was 19 when I got preggo. Just come out and tell em thats the easiest way. The longer u wait the harder its ganna get. best of luck
  • Lol guess your right. Just like a bandaid. You can't do it slowly. Thanks again
  • lol,my first was a surprise also... best surpeise u will ever get. my husband who at the time was bf sent his mom an email with the opening line mom I have sex lol he is from the south very traditional and was sooo scaref to tell her lol. he was also in college, and afyer she was born he actually took her with him to classes.
  • to me best approach is to tell her you arr happy and if its how you feel ... excited she will probably have the same reaction no matter how you tell her
  • See my mom is very easy going. Her mom on the otherhand ill be there to keep her calm and hope I don't get hit lol. We don't know what to do about living arrangements though. We both li e at home. Pay our own bills but even without a kid on the way we would strugle in a apartment at say $850 a month
  • See my mom is very easy going. Her mom on the otherhand ill be there to keep her calm and hope I don't get hit lol. We don't know what to do about living arrangements though. We both li e at home. Pay our own bills but even without a kid on the way we would strugle in a apartment at say $850 a monthly
  • my moms the same way , she actually laughed at me cus of how I told her. alot of the girls in my fam including mom had the same situation I was just carrying ob fam traditionss:) have you looked inro housing?
  • Im sure your parents will help yall till you can get on your feet. im sure once they warm up to the idea they wont mind having there grandbaby around to spoil for awhile:)
  • Understandable to be nervous. My husband and I were in college and dating when we found out we were pregnant with twins. He graduated a few months after while I was pregnant and moved 8 hrs away to get a head start on a new life tor us. I followed and we've been a family every since.
    Telling the parents was hard even though we were responsible, in college, and in our early twenties. We told them and they eventually got over the upset and are great grandparents now.
    Yall will make it if you stick together. Eventually when you finish college Yall can afford an apartment. Don't be in a rush to love out right now if your parents continue to allow you to reside in their homes.
    Keep your heads up!
  • congrats!! My fiancee was 21 when we found out i was expecting my mum was easy to tell his mum not so much and he was a big chicken so text her when she was downstairs saying Sami's pregnant can she talk to you, lol she's quite glad he did that though because gave her time to get head round it before we spoke she never really acknowledged it at first saying she was to young to be a grandma, now I'm 18 weeks and she's loving it buys stuff helping us to get an house saying we can stay there has long has we want, so maybe write a letter give them a lil bit of time to think about it before they come up all guns blazing good luck!
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