
edited February 2011 in First Trimester
I am almost 6 weeks and I have noticed what appears to be colostrum in one breast.... isn't it too soon? I actually had a breast reduction 7 years ago and was told i may not be able to breast feed anymore but I'm thinking i will be fine... anyone have colostrum that soon?


  • mine started at 18 weeks my doc said do not do anything to stimulate the breasts and make it produce it. if it leaks on its own its fine but to force it out would cause cramping and just call ur doc and ask to make sure its normal at 6 weeks
  • ok, thanks
  • and by stimulate i mainly mean no squeezing of them. sex is still fine and safe as long as the breasts arent really touched. which trust me sucks but at least u dont have to quit completely right....sorry if this is tmi
  • No, that is much needed... cramping sucks so if i can do anything to prevent it... i'm all for it. Thanks so much.
  • ur welcome congrats and good luck
  • Im 20 weeks and my sisters are soooo sentive lately... my daughter accidently hit me there, i thought i was gonna die!! But ive notice my nipple area feels warm/hot even over blouse... Is that.normal?
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