Bedrest boredom

I need ideas other than tv sleep and books while I'm stuck in doors and in bed. Marc has more or less told me the sky is the limit since I'm making this incredible sacrifice to have our child. Meghan


  • Aww I'm no help but I live in Indiana nd the weather suks its cold nd im stuck inside too where do u stay nd how far along are u??
  • I am very high risk as well...I have 4 daughters, so it makes bed rest very difficult. They are 11, 8, 6 & 19mos. I am almost 6mos pregnant. All my pregnancies have been labeled high risk, but this one has been the worst due to all the health issues I have now. I'm not on complete bed rest as of yet, but doctor said I will be for my last 10 weeks or so. I am trying to do everything I want to now before I end up being a prisoner of my own home aagain (although it is way better than being in medical jail a.k.a. the hospital) I read, get on Pregly, color, do crafts with the kids, make friendship bracelets for family (they have been bugging me for years to make them; now I have the time), watch movies, play online games, look up baby stuff, etc. Hang in there, it may seem like it lasts forever, but I promise it doesn't!
  • I'm in south central Texas between Austin and san Antonio. And its anything but cold. In fact my sister went tubing last weekend! I'm between 8-9 weeks. I have to wait about five to six more weeks for a more accurate sonagram. My first was a pregnancy and delivery from hell so my insides are pretty banged and scared up. We didn't think I could even GET pregnant! It's not going to be easy but if I can just get to 32 weeks..... I'm happy thou and excited. God will take care of us
  • Aww I'm.originally from san Antonio born nd raised I'm 22 but left at 11 cause my dad found wrk in Chicago but I would love to be in the weather out there u have a while to go try picking up some new traits like knitting..even tho it doesn't get cold like tht out there lol or make a bby book from scratch thy should be fun nd creative umm do u have any other kids?? If so how old maybe u can do some arts and craft? Learn a new language I would have loved to teach my son Spanish but I dnt know it lol weird right?? I'm pure Tejana nd dnt speak spanish..glad my bd nd his family if I was in Texas I would be outside all day or at least under a big umbrella nd jst enjoying the weather I can't stand the cold nd would love some fresh air nd to be able to open windows Omg imma cry lol jp do u have any pets?? I Lo e tubing I went last summer before I found I was pg I went to some place in Texas its well known everyone goes nd there's huge trees nd u can camp there too??
  • The guadalupe?
  • I know how your feeling, i have a slipped a disc in my lower back, cant move been in bed for nearly 2 weeks now, bored out of my mind. Why are you on bedrest.
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