epidural question!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
i had an epidural for my first and second child , but this is my 3rd and last and i'm only 12 weeks , but i'm scared to do it this time, i don't know why everything came out fine, with my other children, maybe there are other ways instead of the epidural this time. help!!


  • If your wanting iv meds to calm you, there is stadol. Didn't take away the pain but it calmed me a bit before my actual epidural.
  • Take birthing classes hun to try and learn techniques to do it natural. You can get the IV meds too, but they don't take the pain away totally and they have an effect on baby sometimes. It can kind of make them groggy for their first couple hours out of the womb. Whatever you decide hun, its your choice. Congrats and good luck! :D
  • I had two natural births. You can do it. It's actually really empowering. I don't recommend any meds because they have an effect on the babies. Just remember to breathe and relax, tensing up during a contraction causes them to be more painful. Your body knows what to do. You just have to trust yourself. I wish you the best of luck!
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