Vacation in the last trimester?!?!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My husband's work has a retreat in july the 23th through the 27th and I am due August 16th. So I will be about 36 and a half weeks. I'm wondering if this would be ok to travel this late during pregnancy, it would be a 2 hr flight or 14hr drive. I will obviously ask my doctor but I don't want to look like a dumb ass if she is just going to laugh and say NOPE lol anyone else travel or plan to travel @ 36 weeks?!?! or I this completely unheard of and I'm getting my hopes up for nothing?


  • My dr said no long distance at or after 36 weeks im traveling to montana from wisconsin at 34
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  • I wouldn't risk it unless you are willing to have your baby away from home.
  • @ rissalee7 where in wis. im from gb
  • I was going to go may 1st on a beach trip, im due the 27th of may... It was fine with my doctor until my last check up showed I was 3cm
  • @Kcantu2 how long was the flight/ drive?
  • Its only two hours away :( so close ugh. It makes no sense bc im already an hour from my hospital anyway
  • And my daughter took 14 hours to squeeze out so im like... Ugh two hours is nothing. Ater all, put the right person succumb and they can make it in 45 min :D
  • @Kcantu2 so is it 2 hour drive or flight? If it was a 2 hour drive and you cant go thats just crazy lol! I live and hour and a half from my hospital my son came fast but I lasted until my due date! how far is the drive from the beach to the hospital?
  • Its just a two hour drive! Im so sad :( panama city is calling my nameeee
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