ok maybe im being petty but does this bug anyone else?

Why do people (my husbands family) ask him how I'm feeling instead of asking me? We all get along so wtf grrrrrrr.........


  • Maybe they think that the cat has your tongue! ;-)
  • Lmao maybe.....I just think its rude but hey I shouldn't be surprised that they would be rude.....these damn hormones lol
  • My husband's family is the same way. They always ask him how i am doing instead of asking me. He works all the time and his parents live 5 minutes down the road. They could always come and see how i am doing.
  • I hate that!!! I just told my hubby I was mad at his mom because she's never even tried to contact me and she has my number. He says she asks him but idk.
  • I know it is really bugging me and unfortunately my husband refers to himself as "stay out of it stan"so I know he won't say anything ugh! But these will be the samed people trying to be in my buisness atg the hospital....... >:p
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  • Lmao well that's an exception
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  • At least yours asks my bfs parents haven't called my whole pregnancy we sent a ultrasound photo and everything
  • @pregoagainYAY OMG! I feel the same way! My husbands fam didn't even call me to congratulate me or ask how I'm doing! Whenever they call him they ask him how am I doing. Wth! This really bothers me, hormones or not! Then when the baby's born they are going to wonder why they can't see her/him.
  • Im glad my hubbys family stays away! The further the better. Im just saying....;-)
  • My hubbys fam was the same but slowly n surely theyre coming around (8 yrs later lol)
  • I guess um lucky me and my mother in law text every day(: but the rest of my in laws are like this and it annoys me
  • Its very frustrating.....they are the first ones to preach about the bonds of family and yet I feel like I'm stilll an outsider.......oh well then maybe I won't feel like visitors at the hospital ;-)
  • U guys r lucky. Lol. My husband's family is always in my business. My sister in law got mad cuz she wanted to be in the delivery room with our first baby and I wouldn't let her.
  • Lmao oh hell none of em are coming in the delivery room lol
  • Idk but it bothers the hell outta me! Or my in laws ask him if he (my husband) is coming to visit them when they have get togethers. They dont even ask him if im going. Like do they not want me to show up? My husband just thinks I overreact but it does bother me a lot. Then they have the nerve to get mad when I tell them I only want my husband there when im in labor
  • Go figure right! I'm glad I'm not alone on this......I'm more rustrated that I'm letting it bother me because ever since we got married they have never made me feel like I was apart of their family....but it sure as hell is bugging me now lol!
  • I feel the same way. My husband always denies it but I do feel awkward around them like their questions are forced around me.
  • I have a major problem with he step mother in law. Everything has been annoying me bcause I'm pregnant but with this I'm pretty sure id be annoyed either way. She always says the baby will be a girl and be named after her or have her name for the middle name. Which it absolutely is not! Her name is ugly and if it would be named after someone it would be my mom. Now I have to worry about if they come all the way up while I'm in labor if shell get mad that I don't want her in the room. I only want like 3 people in there. I don't want her loud mouth in there. That's not wrong rght?
  • My hubby family did that with our frist at least they aren't saying the babys not his mine did till I trew the paturnity report in there face and told them off in spanish last time they messed with me now were on baby number 2 and I get along with everyone I just had to assert myself I didn't let them think I was shy when they ask him id interrupt and say im sitting right here I can answer better then he can
  • @alih my problem is with the stepmother in law too it must be in the air lol @momie2 good for you now I need to grow the balls to speak up too lol!
  • Haven't you read other posts??? Pregnant women are handicap idiots incapable of forming a whole sentence!!! :D hehe, drives me nuts too!!!
  • Lmao oh yeah it must have slipped my mind!
  • Yeah it not hard just do your thing
  • Maybe if your not doing well they don't want to bother you, when I had ms I didn't want to interact with anyone.
  • Just to give a different perspective, maybe they don't want to be bothersome or feel like they are the 10,000th person to be asking you how you are doing. You never know they may be wanting to give you space to enjoy your pregnancy and not be up your butt all the time asking questions etc. At least they ask how you are doing even if it is through your bd, it shows they are at least thinking about you.
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