so tired of...

edited April 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
All the gas I've been having, and not just burping. I have also had heartburn (of some sort). I never had to deal with these things with previous pregnancies. Its emaracing. Lol. Is there anyone who is also tred of one or more of their symptoms?


  • I am 15w and 1d and I can blow my hubby outta bed with the gas I have. Not to mention I think just breathing gives me burps that make beer drinkin men turn their heads lol
  • OMG, I know the exact feeling.
    Every since I have became pregnant I feel like I either am burping, passing gas, or have heartburn.. it's always something with my insides. I never had any of these with my other kids. I'll be laying in bed and as soon as I sit up i'm burping. As soon as I get in the tub it wants to turn to a jacuzzi.. As soon as I lay down I feel heartburn.
  • Im sick of my stomach hurting...:(
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have 2 boys and they are 4yo and 2yo and I can say that I never had these problems with them. Lol. I can handle the rest. Lol. Its just so annoying.
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