what is the littlest thing you cried over?



  • Because i was n the shower too long nd the hot water ran out
  • Jack in the box not giving me my curley fries with my order. I cried until my husband went and got them lol
  • last week i started bawling because i was sitting on the bed and was too tired to get up to go to the bathroom.
  • My boyfriend came home from work for his lunch break...i cried cause i didn't want him to leave yet when it was time for him to go back to work
  • I started crying earlier in my pregnancy while playing spider solitaire and listening to music.. I still have no idea why?
  • I cried bc my husband had to work overtime tonight on his supposed night off and I bawled the other day when I closed the bathroom door and our wedding cake topper fell off its shelf and the brides head broke off! Hubby held me while I cried promising me he would fix it.
  • edited April 2011
    I made spaghetti tonight nd when I was making the sauce I went to taste it nd u know how the sauce always hangs at the bottom of the spoon well I thought I scraped it off with the pan nd I didn't so as I seen it slowly drip I went to move bck so I didn't get it on my shirt nd it still hit my shirt lol I cried like a big baby nd when my bd asked Wht happened I said I'm fat nd couldn't avoid the sauce hitting my belly even when I stepped bck Omg I was soooo upset lol
  • OMG lol I cried because they put cucumbers on my salad at Chilis...they were so little and chopped up I couldnt pick them off...my husband and mom just stared at me in disbelief...lol
  • I was eatin a Lunchable & everytime I would try to seperate a slice of cheese from the stack, it kept breakin! I was so frustrated & started cryin!

    Yesterday I had been up since 7am & was busy all day so by the 11pm I was exhausted. All I wanted to do was take a hot shower & I was lookin sooooo forward to it. I had my towels & clothes ready, only to find out my nephew had beat me to the bathroom and was already takin a shower! Instant tears! Lol
  • edited April 2011
    @oc86 Omg I did tht today too..the damn cheese was laughing at me lol nd I swear I felt like my fingers where to big to fit nd get the turkey nd cheese out one by one..I cried nd my 2yr old looked at me crazy nd said mommy ok nd I cried harder lol
  • Lol I laughed so hard reading these that I cried!

    But anyway, one time I tried to throw away an empty carton of milk but I missed the trash bag and that made me cry. Another time I was reading a Wikipedia article about a musician I like and I started crying. Here's a bonus one too: I was doing dishes but the glasses I have ate too narrow for my hand to fit in them so I couldn't scrub the bottoms. I bawled and gave up on the dishes.
  • I cry whenever I see a Disneyland commercial because I have an annual pass and feel bad for whoever hasn't been able to go lol :')
  • I cried uncontrollably for 45 minutes when my fiance forgot to get me honey mustard to go with my chicken nuggets.. then I felt dumb for crying and ended up crying even harder.
    X_X lame!! Lol
  • @iris_y_juan. Lol how funny! I jus wanted a snack, I was determined! Lol
  • Its a tie between my husband driving past the snowcone stand as I am begging him to stop and he pretended not to hear me (I cried as soon as we got home), and the end monsters Inc. When sully has to leave Boo and she is showing him her bear.... I bawled. Its awful. Lol
  • i cried wen i went to go buy jeans for work..i have always been a size 7-9 and went tonight wit my hubby to find out ima size 15. i literally bawled in tears and went to the car. i was so upset! but then he came to the car after buying them and told me i gained all this weight for our baby. so its all worth it in the end! :)
  • I cried while watching Disney with my kids today afternoon. I was taking a little break from cooking dinner when that new show lemonade mouth came on. In the show the kids were singing and dancing... And I just could not stop crying. My daughter couldn't stop laughing at me.... All I could tell my daughter was "those kids got talent" LOL

    LOL.... Thanks dolls for the laughs tonight.
  • My cats knocked over the bedside table nd the glass of water tht was on there flipped and went everywhere.. I cried for aggges
  • I cry when I seen a grandmother at the airport say goodbye to her grandson, n when someone hit my parked car, when my friend didnt come to bingo, when hubby was home late or another time he woudnt buy me a cake lol I even cry if smeone says dont cry chloie lol
  • Everytime I dont get my way or if someone is mean or rude to me!
  • I was watching a baby story on tlc and as soon as the baby was born and started crying I was crying so loud my sister came in and started lauging at me. I told her that it was a miracle and not funny at all. And she just made me cry more.
  • @ michaela... Lol I cry all the time to baby story or birth day!!
  • My husband took my keys so I couldn't go get my bloodwork pick up prescriptions and get a haircut.... But I was really crying cause I wanted to get stuff to make him a surprise Easter basket like I do every year and I couldn't do that since he would know. So he thought I was crying over the errands, which didn't help and he offered to take me Saturday, but then he'd be with me so that is when I started bawling on the phone with him. I told him he ruined everything.
    Lol, that was two days ago and I was able to get it all rescheduled to today so... Oops... No worries...
  • @michaela
    me too every time lol
  • Any Hallmark commercial. 'Nuff said.
  • My bf was sitting at the computer. And I was on the couch and he looked at me and asked if I was crying cus I guess it looked like I was, but I wasnt... But because he asked I dunno why just started
  • bawling my eyes out lol sorry dumb phone
  • Glad I'm not the only one haha
  • I broke a plastic spoon
  • I made the mistake of watching UP the other day.... makes me cry every fricken time.
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