Stomach issues anyone?

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Almost everytime I eat I have to deal with either gas, bloating or an upset stomach. Its sooo annoying! I'm also lactose intolerant. I take lactaid, gas pills, Tums...nothing seems to work. Any home remedies?


  • A little lemon in water? Or baking soda in water for sour stomach.

    I just had to live off of toast, granola, juice, and prenatals for a few weeks there. Thankfully just 4ish weeks of hell for me. The rest of the first trimester was annoying, but not like that hazing period.
  • I'm going thru the same thing. For the first month of my pregnancy I was dealing with diaharrea so atleast that phase is over!
  • Now that im getting into my second trimester i feel more stomach aches.. it feels constant and i went to the dr for my check up and she said it has to do with my hormones that the back pain and my stomach aches are normal..i hattee it
  • Another bit of info, I'm vegetarian. You would think it wouldn't be this bad. I have to try the lemon water...
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