Stress making me sick, worried..

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have been so overwhelmed and so stressed lately (loong story) and its taking a huge toll on me and im getting sick. I havent been sick my whole pregnancy, its getting tough lately. How can stress harm the baby, does anyone know? And how can i help get rid of it.. any simple remedies? Im just so exhausted and depressed :(


  • O god thank u for posting this I have been having the same problem laying in bed all the time and I just feel so sick but haven't been my whole pregnancy
  • How far aling r u? Im 27 weeks, i feel so sick ugh and slow and tired and exhausted. I need to get rid of this stress
  • That's the exact why I'm feeling but I'm 35 weeks but I just can't help but feel sad and alone and so stressed I having been crying for the last 2 days
  • Me too! I know pregnancy emotions are to blame, but still i have so much i gotta deal with lately its mentally exhausting. Does this stress harm the baby in any way??
  • Idk I'm not for sure my doctor did tell me at first like a lot of stress could cause preterm labor so I try to sleep most of it off but its not helping and I just don't know wat else to do
  • Wish i could sleep mine off, i havent been getting a whole lot of sleep lately. No matter how tired i am! :/
  • Yikes i just read this after searching google...
    I was crying before, and my baby is ridiculously active right now, def making me worried
  • Wow scary yea my baby was freaking out last nite to I thought he was having a seizure or something Omg I need a way to stop stressing ASAP
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